Is CNN Out to Derail Our Revolution?

AJ Calhoun
5 min readApr 8, 2018

Gregory Krieg is the one who doesn’t get it.

Jackson MS Mayor Chokwe Lumumba applauding a comment by Bernie Sanders.

On Sunday, April 8, CNN’s Gregory Krieg posted under CNN’s banner an analysis headlined “Sanders and Harris Crossed the Base. What Will it Cost Them?” In the piece Krieg, who is either grossly ignorant about the principals in his article (including, especially, Jackson mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba) and Our Revolution, or he is seeking to break up the “base” he refers to by trying to discredit Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris, by — especially in the case of Sanders — statements made by the two in separate appearances last week, Sanders in Jackson, Mississippi and Harris in Sacramento, “…created headlines that could stalk them for the next two years.” Krieg went on to say that “[to] call their comments gaffes or blunders misses the point.” Krieg went on, in greatly alarmed tones, to note that Sen. Sanders had called the Democratic Party’s “business model” a “failure,” and then saying “ “People sometimes don’t see that, because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012. He [Obama] was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last 10 years, Democrats have lost about 1,000 seats in state legislatures all across this country.”

So far, nothing false, nothing counter to Our Revolution’s philosophy, no blaming of Obama for…



AJ Calhoun

Writer, activist, novelist, sixth generation DC, local historian-storyteller, and ER technician.